Infusing everyday life with colour and
good humour

We have always believed in the power of colour.
Making a place for it in your decor is essential to your well-being.

Well, well, well, that must be why we call ourselves
La Cerise (the most mischievous of fruits) sur le Gâteau
(the most delicious of desserts).

From the start,
the tone
was set:
It's more
than just a

Good humour is part of our values.
Optimism is our core value, symbolised
everywhere... by our signature golden dot!
It guides our creative choices, but also our
overall approach.  And of course it is reflected in
our incredible choice of colours, our fatal
weapon against the blues. 

Colour: at the heart of our DNA
Since the beginning of our adventure,
we've used colours. Bright.
Always greedy and full of vitamins.
Rhubarb, biscuit, sardine, caramel,
bergamot ... we put a whole range
of colours at your disposal,
to give your home a boost,
and boost your mood in passing.

It's worth all the yoga classes, meditation
sessions, or a new haircut at the hairdresser's.
And when the gloom attacks hard,
it is the best and most natural

Each season, with all our talent and passion, we enrich it with colours that
you won't find elsewhere. Creating these new shades is the highlight of our year,
the best part of our job as designers.
Daring mixes, original combinations, we also love to share with you
our knowledge as colourists. Or even "colour therapists"...

Looking at everyday life
through coloured glasses
changes everything!